Andy Mart Андрей Ермаченко

DJ Techno 326.9

Andy Mart - Musatschi (Original Mix) [Leap4rog] (2012)

Andy Mart - Musatschi (Original Mix) [Leap4rog]
Дата записи:
19 August 2012
Дата добавления:
19 August 2012
Andy Mart
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Описание / Треклист:

В продаже с 3 Сентября 2012 г.
Supported by:
Egoism - support! ae...
Alex MilLenium (Abzolut(Spinnin),Sabotage,IAMT,Freshin,Neptuun City) - Remix for me.Thanks !
Balthazar [Renesanz] - supporting!
Sean Place [ / Intermission Ltd. / VinylBeat /] - Cool tracks! Like the breakdowns.
Renzo Marini - not poor job, a basic rhythm and bassline is pleased me, on the whole, not badly,an original pleased anymore
Go Wild - Great ep guys, both mixes are cool! thanks
Spartaque - Full Support
Deep Voice - Original for me!!downloading
Greg Kutnar - Remix for me
Afonso Maia - Well done guys!!
Brian Cheetham [Global Dance Session] - BOth mixes are great!
NarkoSky - nice ))),good
Vid Marjanovic - Yeah!

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