Alvaro Peire's Official account Contacts - apeire@hotmail.com Manager in former USSR and Eastern Europe - Grigor R. Barseghyan (GRB Group LLC - Music and Show Production) grigor.r.barseghyan@gmail.com
ALVARO PEIRE (Com[poser, Songwriter)
As a composer, he isan UNIVERSAL MUSIC PUBLISHING artist where he has writtien a huge amount of songs ( music and lyrics) some of them recorded by very famous artist, with a bigsucees as; TENGO MIEDO – Recordedby ANABELEN on PECES DE CIUDAD cd.-(Platinum álbum with more of 150.000 copies selled) A VECES - Recordedby LOS CAÑOS onsametitle cd, First single. (3 times platinum álbum withover 300.000 copies selled) In 1998 he signs as SOLO ARTISTS , for WEA intersanional record companywhere he releaseshisfirst álbum ; DE CUENTOS Y VERDADES He is very recognice also as a lyrics writter, and has been at tending to the most prestigious writters and literature school “Escuela de Escritores” He is also well known as a movie soundtrack composer and producer, of films such as; LAS LOCURAS DEL QUIJOTE ( Directedby Rafael Alcazar) Original soundtrack also release don Karonte Records CALEIDOSCOPIO ( Directedby Rafael Alcazar)