The Lego Movie, Year: 2014, Genre: Adventure, Cartoon, Comedy, Fantasy

The Lego Movie (2014)

“The fate of all universe in his yellow tiny hands”

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  • Premiere:
    01 February 2014
  • Actors:
    Will Arnett, Elizabeth Banks, Alison Brie, etc.
  • Director:
    Phil Lord, Christopher Miller
  • Script:
    Dan Hageman, Kevin Hageman, etc.
  • Producer:
    Roy Lee, Dan Lin, Allison Abbate
  • Operator:
    Barry Peterson , Pablo Plaisted
  • Composer:
    Mark Mothersbaugh
  • Design:
    Grant Freckelton
  • Editor:
    David Burrows, Chris McKay
  • Budget:
    60 000 000
  • Duration:
    100 minutes
He never considered himself someone special. Then came the day when he became aware that he has to save the universe from the evil dictator who dreams to ‘glue’ the whole world! Well, it's time to become a super hero.

Trailers The Lego Movie