Biography Sadok Ben

In 2013, Sadok began working with the British label «Acuna» and published his first tracks «Majorca» and «Kepler 9C» under the pseudonym Carlo Mecastro.

After this, Sadok continued to make tracks and providing professional mixing and mastering services for tracks, and also worked on the radio, where he had his own show, where he played live sets, broadcast his own tracks and conducted interviews with celebrities.

In 2017, Sadok releases the track «Devour», which was published on 48 international and 18 American professional sites and made it to the TOP Music-Worx International.

Also in 2017-2018, Sadok publishes the tracks «Haptic», «Alpha», «Soyouz».

In 2018-2019, he continues to work on a new album, and has already announced several tracks: «Black Sun», «Dice City», «In your Daydreams», «Valera», «Avid», «Meteor», «La Guitarra», «Heaven Bells».