ideal taster days

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lineup and details for ideal taster days on sat 30th august 2014

Founded by the team behind the hugely successful Ideal & Tidy brands, the Academy aims to teach above and beyond what a standard “Dj school” offers; this could be your route to success as we give you the support, advice and skills to make the record you always dreamed of, get the show you’ve always wanted or plan the marketing campaign to make you stand out from the rest of the crowd.

With expert advice & tuition from some of the biggest active names from across the many different areas and genres of todays dance music market, the Academy tutors are all hand picked from the globally successful array of artists and industry experts that work alongside Ideal & Tidy today.

The Academy launches with taster days catering for beginner, intermediate and advanced skill sets, aimed at giving you an experience from each of the four areas we have identified as being key to success in the industry, as well as giving you the chance to get expert advice and tuition from industry professionals to help find your vocation and interest before choosing your full course.

Out initial taster days will give you…

·         The inside info on production software from World renowned producers responsible for countless number 1 selling dance music singles.

·         Devastating DJ tricks from artists who’ve performed in front of thousands of people all over the globe.

·         Become knowledgable on how to successfully engage marketing campaigns to get yourself heard from some of the people responsible for managing the biggest artists in the scene.

·         Learn how to make a podcast to break your sounds to the masses, from some of the biggest broadcasters.

So if you want to learn from some of the most established artists in music and gain the extra skills needed to help you make your mark in the global market for electronic dance music, the Ideal Academy could be your short cut to success!

Music Genres: 

Electronic, Hard House



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