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Moscow will met one of TopUA musician - EXIVA.
[Items & Things / Ninefont Music]
Real name: Mironenko Roman.
..when Marc Houle starts a contest for a remix on his song Very Bad on the well known Beatport portal, Roman gets the second place and is offered a contract from Items&Things and his remix to Marc Houle's "Very Bad" is published under the labels name. After getting positive feedback from Gabriel Ferreira, the owner of the Ninefont record label, offers to release Roman's album under Ninefont. It was good news for Roman, and after signing the contract, the album "Exiva - Till Your Drop" is released the 12th of December, 2012 on Ninefont Music.

Date: 15.03.2013
When: 23:00
Where: Moscow@Plunk

Also you will hear the greatest Moscow minimal techno duo MOSTKLIK and young project ESCAPE.All they are not are just dj's, evr are musicians, so you'll hear true Live Sets from them with insane techno. And all this Sickness will end dj Bright with his techno set.

mostklik [ru,bitlow rec]
exiva [ua, items & things|ninefont music]
escape [ru, oxytech rec]
bright [moscow]






Поддержку в проведении мероприятия оказывают два спортивных каллаба, таких как одежда BIRD и главный ресурс страны агрессивных роллеров SKATERS.RU. Помимо этого на мероприятии будет презентация новых моделей маек созданных специально для проекта ESCAPE.


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